Tuesday, June 21, 2005

The Ranks Of The NUTs Keeps Growing

I had thought that the Robert Byrd story would have been old news by now, but today I was amazed to see his defenders, among black folks, come out of the wood work. Some of these should know better.

It made me wonder if the ranks of the N.U.T.s (New Uncle Toms) is growing or if people are just going nuts, as in losing their minds.

I posted my blog of yesterday on a chat list that I participate in and was sent a copy of an article by Earl Ofari Hutchinson. http://www.thehutchinsonreport.com/index.html

In this article Hutchinson goes far beyond where USA Today, the Washington Post & even the NY Times went in their discussion of Robert Byrd's book.

I have to say that I am left baffled by Hutchinson's article and not sure if he is a NUT or just a nut.

Here are just a few things Earl has to say on Robert Byrd's past. "He's admitted it often, Byrd has come clean and apologized for that sordid episode in his past and he called his night ride with the Klan a foolish move that haunted him for decades."

Poor Robert Byrd. Earl apparently feels sorry for the poor man's having to have suffered.

Hutchinson then goes on an attack of the GOP for most of his article stating that the GOP attacks Byrd because he has been a "Thorn in their side on Bush's war policies." This is followed by a litany of alledged GOP racist practices. Going back to President Eisenhower.

There is a problem, however, with much, if not all, of Hutchinson's accusations. They are questionable at best, and false at their worst.

Here are a few so called GOP atrocities:
1) President Eisenhower is to have referred to black people as Nigras.
2) President Eisenhower is to have winked and told Justice Earl Warren, " that he understood why Southerners would not want their sweet little girls required to sit in school next to some big black buck."
3) President Nixon was to have "routinely peppered his talks with his confidants with deragatory quips about blacks," and enshrined racially tinged words such as "law & order, permissive society, welfare cheats," and others.
4) President Reagan when asked how he would treat black leaders said "to hell with them."
5) President Bush (41) used the infamous Willie Horton add.

He goes on to lambast the GOP for the alledged ties of Trent Lott and Bob Barr to the CCC, and says the GOP tried to keep the the apology on the lynch law issue quiet, "to cover their part in beating back anti-lynching legislation."

Here is the problem with most of this. If it were true and most of this is suspect, at their worst, none of these actions approach anything the Ku Klux Klan did in its past. As a friend told me today, "even if Robert Byrd did not participate in any lynchings personally, if, as he states himself, he recruited 150 members to the Klan and one or more of them did lynch someone, what is his role in those lynchings?"

Beyond that the childishness of this "tit for tat" is ridiculous. Eisenhower called us Nigras, LBJ called MLK "that Nigger Preacher," and it is reported that Bill & Hillary Clinton often referred to us in the N word. So what? Where does this leave us? Both Eisenhower & LBJ are responsible for the Civile Rights Act of 1964. Esidenhower proposed it as the Civil Rights Act of 1957, and Johnson got it passed with the help of GOP Senators in 1964. Tis was done by breaking the fillibuster, of none other than one Sen. Robert Byrd.

Earl Ofari Hutchinson's, and others, feeble attempts leave us with supposedly intelligent people defending indefensable behavior. What does Earl Ofari Hutchinson hope to prove or gain with this? I can only wonder. I hope that whoever is paying his salary is paying him well, becasue he is doing an incredible job or turning crap into gold.


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