Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Pavlov's Negro Strikes Again

Pavlov's Negro revisited.

Several months ago I wrote a piece entitled Pavlov's Negro (blog October 16, 2005) in which I explained how a Neo Nazi group was able to manipulate black reaction to their advantage in Toledo, OH. After that I even received a hit on the blog from the leader of that Nazi group acknowledging the truth of what I had said. Well, here is yet another example of how the Pavlovian stimulus and reaction is about to be played on us. While Nazis, the KKK and others have gotten hip to how easily we are manipulated, the greatest benefactors of this manipulation are those on the liberal left. They have run their game on us for decades.

You either have heard or very soon will be hearing about the pending expiration of the 1965 Voting Rights Act and how some in Congress are fighting its extension. You will be hearing allot about how racist Republicans, southerners and the usual suspects are wanting to turn back civil rights and deprive black folks of their right to vote. But what you are not hearing is why or whether the extension is necessary, and/or what is actually included in this so-called "extension." While I am totally in favor of free and fair voting rights, as most people are, and while I am the first to say that action was needed to repeal Jim Crow laws, I would bet that almost everyone understands that there have to be some restrictions on who votes and how. The difference is where the line is drawn on those restrictions. For example, would we all be in favor of allowing people to vote several times or in different states in the same election? Would we favor Russian citizens living in Russia to vote in U.S. elections? Would we want Chinese citizens voting from afar in our elections? Of course we would not. That is of course absurd, but now let's ask the question of whether we should allow non citizens living in the U.S. to vote, and the answer varies, especially in California. Up in Washington state where there is a large non-citizen Asian and Russian population, we could say let's allow let's let Chinese and Russian non-citizens to vote in our elections. I would bet that there would be those who would not have a problem with that happening. But, while the Voting Rights Act was written with the intent of conferring the full rights of citizenship on citizens who were deprive dof this right, it was not intended to go beyond that.

While we will be hearing a great deal about how those opposed to the reauthorization of the act are by default evil and racist; what are we not hearing? First of all we are not hearing that only section 5 of the act expires, not the entire piece of legislation. Section 5 only applies to 9 states and select counties and cities of 8 more states. What we are also not hearing about the reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 is that there is a provision attached to the reauthorization that has nothing to do with the original intent of the legislation. That is the requirement for foreign language ballots to be provided for those “citizens" who are not proficient enough to read English ballots. Somebody correct me if I am wrong, but I thought that a requirement for citizenship in the U.S. was English proficiency.

We live in a drastically different world from that world we lived in, in 1965. In 1965 virtually all polls in the south were run by whites with a determination to hinder the "black vote." Today polls are run by polling officials from that community, hence black folks running polling places in black areas, Hispanics in Hispanic areas, etc.. Therefore, the likelihood of anyone being hindered from voting in their own neighborhood precinct on racial grounds is very unlikely.

Those are the facts, but I suspect that will not matter, as facts rarely do matter, when manipulating emotion works much more effectively. Black paranoia will be used once again as the Trojan Horse for introducing things that black people never intended or even agree with. The Pavlovian reaction on the part of black people to the "racist" stimulus presented to them in the media, by those with an agenda that has nothing to do with uplifting black or other minority people groups, will cause weak lawmakers who know should better to do what they know they should not. They will vote for legislation whose time has passed, and most probably will have attached things that were never intended by those who wrote and voted for the Act in 1965.

That is how things work in America today. It is a sad state of affairs if you ask me.


Blogger Eddie Huff said...


I do not know what bews you are getting, but no Black oriented media mentions these issues and facts. I am glad to see, however, that you are a ware of the issues.

10:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good discussion.
Now . . . if you could only grab the interest of and penetrate the illiterate membrane of the likes of those who spend so much time watching and voting on american idol.


11:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I admire people's desires to vote their way into heaven and pointing fingers and labeling each other as "liberals" or "conservative". Everyone has an opinion and a right to voice it. There is nothing new about your "new black thought" except that the "black thought" used to center around community support and empowerment now we are just another cog in the political wheel losing focus on the day to day struggle of the least among us. Right/left who cares? How about the health and the wealth of our communities. The voters rights act does much more than protect black folk it protects all of us and it may be in need of some updating and revision but lets not throw the baby out with the bath water and create a whole new type of "black hysteria" based in misguided faith, bigotry and judgmentalness. Most of those going to the polls to vote that don't speak english are indeed American citizens and have the right to vote with a ballot that they can understand. Its time to stop throwing around labels like liberal and conservative like it is actually bad to be one or the other and focus on the common goals and ways to move our people, communities and nations forward for the good of ALL of us. Come November we need to cast our votes for our rights as families and individuals to good educations, affordable healthcare, livable wages, affordable childcare and citizen/worker protections. We have indeed come a long way but we have so much further to go.

12:38 PM  
Blogger Eddie Huff said...


First of all, where did I ever mention anything about faith in my post? Secondly, the point I am making is ecactly what you mention that we need to avoid hysteria based upon fear whether it be racism or otherwise.

Now with reagard to your point on language and voting. Do you believe that a erson that does not understand English will be aware of the real issues involved in our collective national interests. I lived in Holland and Germany and since all of the english language media was directed at the U.S. or England, unless I read and understood Germna or Dutch I could not know what the issues were, or why I was voting for a particular person, except that someone else told me that I need to vote for this person or that. Now that is not free voting and very easy to manipulate.

Voting is a right, and a privilege, but also has a responsibility if it is to be effective.

2:14 PM  

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